Shipping FAQs:
1. Where are the products shipped from?
The products are shipped from Pretoria, South Africa.
2. What company is used for shipping?
We use The Courier Guy or Pudo for shipping our products.
3. How long does it take to ship the products?
The handling time is usually 1 to 2 business day.
The transit time after handling is usually 1 to 2 business days.
4. Can I change my shipping address after the handling is complete?
It will be the responsibility of the client to contact the courier company and ask if it is possible, we at ZK Print cannot change the delivery address after the product was picked up.
5. Can I track the progress of my delivery?
Yes, it can be tracked on The Courier Guy and Pudo's websites.
Product FAQs:
1. Does Qidi Tech have a Wiki page?
Yes, there is a Wiki page.
2. Do the Qidi 3D printers come with a warranty?
Yes, the Qidi printers come with a warranty and they can be registered on the Qidi South Africa page.
3. How long is the warranty on the Qidi 3D printers?
The warranty is a 1-year warranty.
4. Do you sell 3D printer filament?
Yes, ZK Print sells Qidi Tech and Fil X 3D printer filament.
1. Is ZK Print based in South Africa?
Yes, ZK Print is based in Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa.
2. Can I contact ZK Print directly if the FAQs do not answer my question?
Yes, ZK Print can be contacted via e-mail at desk@zk-print.co.za or via WhatsApp/phone on +27 68 574 6130.
Qidi Tech
QIDI Tech X-Plus4 3D Printer Combo